Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231
Capital Cars & Classics organizes automotive experiences for real petrol heads, both for classic cars and modern (super) cars.
From 2016 to 2019 we organized the classic car fair in the heart of the Netherlands, a high-quality event of international allure where you found the crème de la crème of classic cars for two days in a perfect industrial ambiance in Amsterdam, the Kromhouthal .
For 2020 it has been decided not to let the classic exhibition in Amsterdam take place. Alternative concepts are currently being worked on behind the scenes and a similar bi-annual event is being considered. For this year, petrolheads can indulge in the Amsterdam Rally on March 6 or the 9Elfstedentocht on June 12.
Did you missed the third edition of Capital Cars & Classics? Or you want to experience this great event again? Watch these videos of the event and The Amsterdam Rally in march 2018.